
Our speakers will be sharing their experiences, insights, and knowledge. Who are you going to watch?

Michelle Egger

Co-founder and CEO, Biomilq

Mariliis Holm

Co-Founder, Sustainable Food Ventures

Andrew Ive

Founder & Managing General Partner, Big Idea Ventures

Patricia Bubner

CEO & Founder, Orbillion Bio

Ingvar Helgason

Founder and Chief Executive, VitroLabs

David Kay

Senior Manager of Communications & Operations, Memphis Meats

Daan Luining

Co-Founder and CTO, Meatable

Lee Recht

Head of Sustainability, Aleph Farms

Nate Crosser

Startup Growth Specialist, Good Food Institute

Leo Groenewegen

Co-founder and CEO, CellulaREvolution

Jed Johnson

Co-Founder and CTO, Matrix Meats

Ahmed Khan

Founder, CellAgri

Björn Lárus Örvar

Co-founder and CEO, ORF Genetics

Darren Nesbeth

Principal Investigator, Furoid

Vítor Espírito Santo

Director of Cellular Agriculture, Eat Just

Meera Zassenhaus

Communications and Media Manager, New Harvest